Saturday, August 7, 2010

It's The Little Things that Push Our Buttons

1.Now that I've been able to to move forward with the realization that the supreme evil—my slander of the Law—is one (while being two) with my enlightened self—one of the vicious ordinary hells—that of anger and rage erupting from relationship stupidity—is erupting worse than Hawaiian volcanic lava—and I'm chanting to find it's enlightenment but as yet all I'm seeing is Chinese letters going down a scroll and the voice of an enraged man chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo. Sometimes it's the lesser evils that attack us the hardest.
Postscript: A few daimoku later: As usual, i realized that we were arguing over bullshit, not anything real, you know, nickel and dime, dollars and cents bullshit, not affairs of the heart, but the kind of bullshit our present system puts 99% of us through, using a multibillion dollar marketing campaign to do so, while the other 1% stupidly wastes their time reading the Dow and going to pieces over its rises and falls daily. So I gave her a hug and all is better. This is indeed, a much lesser evil than supreme slander. But it's hard to tell a homeless or unemployed person that when they're in the throes of it. Chant for Victor, my neighbor with the sheet metal business who says he has not time for anything other than walking the dogs I see him with every morning. I'm hoping to awaken in him the confidence that he can go to an SGI picnic on a Saturday afternoon and his business will still be okay, maybe even better.

1 comment:

  1. Tell Victor to chant while he is walking the dogs. Maybe it is not the proper way, but is it not a way to start?
